Designing Self-Service Business Intelligence and Big Data Solutions


Tällä kurssilla opit suunnittelemaan, asentamaan ja ylläpitämään BI-alustaa.

Kurssin kouluttajana toimii Vesa Tikkanen, joka on työskennellyt SQL Server arkkitehtina ja konsulttina vuodesta 2000 lähtien. BigData-ratkaisut, SQL Serverin kyselymoottori ja  muistinvarainen analysointimoottori ovat Vesan erityisosaamista. Hän toimii Onsightilla vaativien SQL-aiheiden kouluttajana ja pystyy monipuolisen kokemuksensa ansiosta tarjoamaan osallistujille käytännön ratkaisumalleja ja näkemyksiä.
Vesa on Microsoft Certified Master -tasoinen osaaja eli hänellä on poikkeuksellinen syväosaaminen kouluttamistaan aiheista ja mm. SQL Server 2008 ja Microsoft Certified Solution Master: Data Platform sertifioinnit.


Kurssi on ensisijaisesti suunnattu tietokanta- ja BI ammattilaisille sekä kokeneille analyytikoille.


SQL Server DW- ja BI-teknologioiden perustuntemus

Kurssin sisältö

Module 1: Introduction to Self-Service Business Intelligence

  • Extending Enterprise BI
  • Microsoft Self-Service BI and Big Data Technologies

Lab : Exploring an Enterprise BI Solution

  • Viewing Reports
  • Analyzing Data in a Data Model
  • Analyzing Data from Multiple Sources
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Describe ways in which an enterprise BI solution can be extended.
  • Identify Microsoft technologies for self-service BI and Big Data analysis.

Module 2: Self-Service Reporting

  • Introduction to Self-Service Reporting
  • Shared Data Sources and Datasets
  • Report Parts

Lab : Implementing Self-Service Reporting

  • Using Report Builder
  • Simplifying Data Access for Business Users
  • Using Report Parts
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Support self-service reporting with Report Builder.
  • Create shared data sources and datasets for self-service reporting scenarios.
  • Use report parts as reusable report elements.

Module 3: Self-Service Data Modeling with PowerPivot

  • Creating Data Models in Excel with PowerPivot
  • Using DAX in a PowerPivot Data Model

Lab : Self-Service Data Modeling with PowerPivot

  • Creating a Data Model with PowerPivot
  • Enhancing a Data Model
  • Extending a Data Model
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Use PowerPivot to create tabular data models in Excel.
  • Enhance data models with custom DAX expressions.

Module 4: Importing Data with Power Query

  • Introduction to Power Query
  • Using Power Query to Import Data

Lab : Using Power Query

  • Importing data with Power Query
  • Merging Queries
  • Adding a Query to a Data Model
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Enable Power Query and use it to search for data online
  • Use Power Query to import data from multiple data sources into an Excel data model

Module 5: Visualizing Data with Power View in Microsoft Excel

  • Introduction to Power View
  • Creating Dynamic Data Visualizations

Lab : Visualizing Data with Power View

  • Using Power View
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Describe the features of Power View
  • Use Power View to create interactive data visualizations in Excel

Module 6: Visualizing Geographic Data with Power Map

  • Introduction to Power Map
  • Using Power Map

Lab : Visualizing Geographic Data with Power Map

  • Creating a Power Map Tour
  • Visualizing Data Over Time
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Describe the features and usage scenarios of Power Map
  • Use Power Map to create visualizations of geographic data

Module 7: Collaborative BI with Microsoft SharePoint Server

  • Managing PowerPivot Services in SharePoint Server
  • Using Power View in SharePoint Server

Lab : Using SharePoint Server for BI Collaboration

  • Sharing a PowerPivot Workbook
  • Managing PowerPivot Data Refresh
  • Using Power View in SharePoint Server
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Share a PowerPivot workbooks in SharePoint Server
  • Manage PowerPivot services in SharePoint Server
  • Use Power View to create interactive data visualizations in SharePoint Server

Module 8: The Windows Azure Marketplace Data Market

  • Introduction to the Windows Azure Marketplace
  • Using Windows Azure Marketplace Data in Microsoft Excel

Lab : Using the Windows Azure Marketplace

  • Finding Data in the Windows Azure Marketplace
  • Using Windows Azure Marketplace Data in Excel
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Find data in the Windows Azure Marketplace
  • Import Windows Azure Marketplace data into Microsoft Excel

Module 9: Cloud Collaboration with Power BI for Microsoft Office 365

  • Introduction to Power BI
  • Natural Language Queries with Q&A
  • Sharing Queries
  • The Data Management Gateway

Lab : Using Power BI

  • Provisioning Power BI
  • Viewing Reports and Querying Data in Power BI
  • Sharing Queries
  • Cloud-Enabling a Data Source
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Browse reports in a Power BI site
  • Use Q&A to query data in a Power BI site
  • Share Power Query queries with other organizational users
  • Publish on-premises data sources to the cloud

Module 10: Introduction to Big Data and Windows Azure HDInsight

  • Introduction to Big Data
  • Windows Azure HDInsight

Lab : Using Windows Azure HDInsight

  • Provisioning a Windows Azure HDInsight Cluster
  • Processing Data with HDInsight
  • Analyzing Big Data in Microsoft Excel
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Describe key features of Big Data.
  • Use Windows Azure HDInsight to process Map/Reduce jobs

Module 11: Processing Big Data with Pig and Hive

  • Processing Big Data with Pig
  • Processing Big Data with Hive

Lab : Processing Big Data with Pig and Hive

  • Processing Big Data with Pig
  • Processing Big Data with Hive
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Use Pig to process Big Data
  • Use Hive to process Big Data

Module 12: Implementing Big Data Processing Solutions with Windows Azure HDInsight

  • Automating Big Data Processing Tasks
  • Integrating Windows Azure HDInsight with Enterprise Data

Lab : Creating a Big Data Solution

  • Using HCatalog to Abstract Storage Locations
  • Using Oozie to Coordinate a Workflow
  • Using Sqoop to Export Data
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Design and implement an automated Big Data processing solution
  • Integrate Windows Azure HDInsight with Self-Service BI Solutions
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Designing Self-Service Business Intelligence and Big Data Solutions

2 Päivää
Onsight Helsinki Oy, Vilhonkatu 5 A (2. krs)

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  • Kenttä on validointitarkoituksiin ja tulee jättää koskemattomaksi.

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