Uli Bethke
Uli has 18 years’ hands on experience as a consultant, architect, and manager in the data industry. He frequently speaks at conferences. Uli has architected and delivered data warehouses in Europe, North America, and South East Asia. He is a traveler between the worlds of traditional data warehousing and big data technologies.
Uli is a regular contributor to blogs and books, holds an Oracle ACE award, and chairs the the Hadoop User Group Ireland. He is also a co-founder and VP of the Irish chapter of DAMA, a non for profit global data management organization. He has co-founded the Irish Oracle Big Data User Group.
Uli holds degrees in political science from Freie Universität Berlin, Albrecht Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, and the University of Ulster, Coleraine.
Last but not least, Uli is the CEO of Sonra, the data liberation company. Sonra develops Flexter, a tool to automate the conversion of complex XML to a database, text, or Hadoop.