Stephen Brobst
Stephen Brobst is the Chief Technology Officer for Teradata Corporation. Stephen performed his graduate work in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where his Masters and PhD research focused on high-performance parallel processing. He also completed an MBA with joint course and thesis work at the Harvard Business School and the MIT Sloan School of Management. Stephen is a TDWI Fellow and has been on the faculty of The Data Warehousing Institute since 1996 and teaches in TDWI conferences. During Barack Obama’s first term he was also appointed to the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in the working group on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD). He was recently ranked by ExecRank as the #4 CTO in the United States (behind the CTOs from, Tesla Motors, and Intel) out of a pool of 10,000+ CTOs.