Transforming to a Modern Digital Business – New Architecture and Technologies for Analytics and AI


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Business Intelligence ratkaisut, data, ovat muodostaneet päätöksenteolle perustan jo 90-luvulta lähtien. Nyt digitalisaatio ja digitaalinen liiketoiminta ovat uudistamassa kokonaan myös päätöksenteon. Digitaalinen liiketoiminta antaa päätöksentekijälle mahdollisuuden saadaja käyttää tietoa niin ihmisistä kuin koko fyysisestä ympäristöstämme. Tämä haastaa meidät käyttämään tietoa uusin tavoin liiketoiminnan tukena, automaatiossa, uusissa prosesseissa, ja liiketoimintaympäristön muutoksissa.

Tämä suuri mullistus edellyttää uudenlaista kaikenkattavaa arkkitehtuuria, prosessien uudistamista sekä modernia teknologiaa ja uusia menetelmiä.

Dr Barry Devlin kertoo nyt, miten liiketoiminta voi yhdessä It:n kanssa rakentaa digitaalisen liiketoiminnan hyödyntäen olemassa olevia tietovarasto- ja BI-ratkaisuja.


Tässä kahden päivän koulutuksessa Barry auttaa sinua rakentamaan kokonaisvaltaisen arkkitehtuurin unohtamatta algoritmeja, tekoälyä ja IoT:ta.

Itse asiassa Dr Barry Delvin on aikoinaan keksinyt termin Data Warehouse ja on ehdottomasti tiedonhallinnan guruja. Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus nähdä hänet livenä!


Business intelligence has made data the foundation of decision making since the 1990s. Now, digital business is fully reinventing decision making in this decade and the next. Digital business puts information from every person and data from the entire physical world at decision makers’ fingertips. It challenges them to use it to augment or automate every aspect of business, to create anew every existing process, and to reinvent, not just decision making, but the entire enterprise.

Such a complete makeover demands an inclusive architecture, powerful technologies, and enterprise-wide methods. Expanding from his comprehensive and respected Business unIntelligence architecture to emerging topics such as the Internet of Things, algorithms, and artificial intelligence, Dr. Barry Devlin charts how business and IT together can design and build a digital business from the existing data warehouse and BI systems running enterprises today.

Main Topics

  • The Meaning and Implications of Digital Business
  • Business unIntelligence Architecture—Business Drivers and Technological Evolution
  • Data and Information—the Foundation for Everything
  • Formal and Informal Business Processes—Getting from Information to Action
  • People—Action-Oriented Decision Making and Engaging Innovation
  • The Path from BI through Analytics to Artificial Intelligence
  • Planning and Implementation
  • Emerging Ethical and Economic Considerations

What you will learn

  • Business drivers and technical rationale for Business unIntelligence
  • Structure and components of the new architecture
  • Possibilities and challenges of new database and data management technologies, including Hadoop, NoSQL, column stores and other analytic appliances
  • Using data virtualization and ETL as tools for integration of all types of content and data
  • Positioning and using algorithms and artificial intelligence in support of decision making
  • The importance of user context and roles in decision processes
  • Practical steps to grow and improve your current data warehouse to the new architecture

Who should attend

  • Enterprise, systems, solutions and data warehouse architects
  • Systems, strategy and business intelligence managers
  • Data warehouse and systems designers and developers
  • Data and database administrators
  • Tech-savvy business analysts

Outline Agenda

  1. Digital Business—History and Emergence
    • A brief history of decision-making support
    • Origins and meaning of digital business
    • Business examples, drivers and justification
  1. The why and how of a new architecture
    • The emergence and impact of big data, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence
    • New, future-proof hypotheses for a new architecture
    • A new layering approach—Information, Process, and People
    • The pillars of a new architecture that supports multiple storage technologies
  1. The Information Resource—the Foundation for Everything
    • New classes of information—human-sourced and machine-generated—and how they enter the traditional process-mediated data stores of the business
    • Big data—hype and reality, sources and types, implications for business and IT
    • Key considerations—timeliness/consistency, structure/context, and reliance/usage
    • Metadata as information—sources and stores, tools and techniques
    • Relational database evolution—structures, software and hardware
    • NoSQL data stores, Hadoop-based databases, XML, JSON-based and other data stores
    • New conceptual and logical architectures for all information and data
  1. The Business Processes—Getting from Decisions to Actions
    • The dimensions of process: Business Effect, Active Scope and Time Span
    • How pervasive mobile connectivity, processing and storage combine with the Cloud to reinvent business processes
    • The new role of users in “application development”
    • Understanding adaptive, closed-loop business processes
    • Service Oriented Architecture and Microservices
    • A model for decision making and action taking—the adaptive decision loop
    • Data Preparation, ETL, Data Warehouse Automation, Wrangling, and Data Virtualisation
  1. The People—Understanding Needs and Engaging Innovation
    • Motivation and the workings of the human mind in business systems
    • Classes of Business Intelligence—information-centric, process-centric and collaborative
    • BI, analytic and other decision support tools
    • Decision-making and action-taking in a closed-loop, real-time environment
    • Augmenting and/or Automating decision making and action taking
    • The emergence and importance of artificial intelligence
  1. Planning and implementation
    • Evolution—not revolution
    • The Staged Implementation Roadmap
    • Organisational considerations; changes in IT culture and responsibilities
    • Selected possible first migration steps
  1. Building the Digital Future—Key Considerations
    • Ethical considerations for analytics and artificial intelligence
    • The impact of digital business on the economy and social order
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Transforming to a Modern Digital Business – New Architecture and Technologies for Analytics and AI

2 Päivää
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